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Childhood memories undoubtedly appeal to everyone. We might feel that we wish the cycle of time would turn in the opposite direction so that we could live the same carelessness and fearlessness.

Today’s question is why do we find our childhood so attractive? After all, what is the difference between childhood days and today? Whereas almost all the people would be living a highly advanced life since their childhood. Then what is lost that is drawing us in that direction? So brother, if you think a little, we will be surprised that we have not lost anything, but by using utmost wisdom, we have found a cage to keep our heart closed. This behavior of ours is very natural. And by doing this we have not committed any mistake. But with this behavior of ours, isn’t something very special being missed from us? So let us know this.

In childhood, we did not have any rules, hence there were no restrictions in front of us, whatever thought came to us, it immediately happened from this body. But gradually we learned to stop the unhindered movement of our thoughts. This is both natural and necessary for life to run smoothly. But by doing this we have put a heavy lock on our basic nature.

You will remember that, when you used to imagine some golden fairy flying in the sky, who used to secretly live somewhere with you, and used to take our hand and take us on a tour of the world. So we used to thrill our friends by telling his story. And when he heard the story of a fairy possessing such a magic wand, he used to be extremely overwhelmed.

Our thoughts, like a horse, used to take us on a tour of the world of dreams. And we never had any doubts about his credibility. In a way, the thoughts going on in our hearts were true. And that truth was very attractive and enjoyable. Because there the logic to restrain them was still powerless. And we used to do anything without thinking and knowing.

Let us tell you that, as our logical intelligence starts developing, our basic powers also start weakening. You must be aware that in childhood we have immense capacity for learning, which becomes weaker as we grow up. Childhood is always very powerful for everyone, so no one forgets it. Whatever new discoveries have been made in the world, and whatever new works have been done, have happened only when someone freed himself from the bondage of intelligence and knowledge. And have the courage to do them. Like Einstein dared to tear apart Newton’s hypothesis of ether. And through his philosophy he told the world that ether does not exist.

The flight we take in childhood is the best flight of life, and only the person who has that unique flying instinct is able to do something new for the world. And only through him could this world receive a beautiful gift. This whole world is making new discoveries every day. And getting more amazing day by day. This is the result of the immense energy of that childhood, due to which so many amazing inventions are being made in the world.

We all have kept our same immense energy tied in a cage. Which was at its highest peak in childhood. And realizing the same immense power in our childhood, we look at our childhood with great longing and eager eyes. Childhood is a source of power but we have despised that power. Our childhood, the originator of our dream world, is calling us back towards itself. Let us start dreaming again.

Friends, I want to see a source of energy opening up in all of you. I want to awaken that very powerful thing in you, that which you have forgotten about yourself. I want to walk forward with you on a new path. Are you guys with me on this unique journey? I have this question for you, the answer to which I want is yes. So let us all come together and create a very powerful dream world.
Thank you