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Would it be fair to say that the possibility or impossibility of any undertaking depends only on the state of mind of a person? Because see, if a task is impossible for one person, then the same task can be possible for another person at the same moment, in the same country, time and situation. We keep experiencing such contradictions in various areas of life, events, circumstances, beliefs, feelings and thoughts. Many times we are unable to decide whether an event or situation is possible or impossible. And in such a situation, many times we waste our own valuable energy by getting entangled in many debates. Then is there any formula by which we can draw a boundary between the possible and the impossible? let us see.

The philosophy of the world famous “Theoretical Physicist – Dr. Michio Kaku” explains this topic in a very amazing way. With great uniqueness he has divided the world of the impossible in the field of science into three parts. The first type, which is impossible today but may take shape in a few decades or centuries. That is, which is not in conflict with the basic principles of physics and can definitely be discovered in the near future. Such as becoming invisible and teletransportation etc. The second type, which is impossible even today and is also impossible in the distant future because it lies at the boundaries of the principles of physics, which seems that there is no possibility of knowing even for thousands of years but yes maybe after 1 lakh years. ever possible. Such as achieving the speed of light or moving in the dimension of time etc. The third type, which is exactly opposite to the basic principles of physics, that is, for which the basic principles of physics will have to be destroyed. Therefore it is completely impossible. Such as creation of “continuous motion (energy source) device” without providing external energy etc.

Here, Napoleon Bonaparte, the architect of the great French Revolution, believes that the word impossible is found only in the dictionary of fools. According to this statement of Napoleon, the third type of impossibility of Dr. Michio Kaku should also be possible. So the construction of the instrument defined in the third type of impossibility is definitely not possible. But to understand the science of the impossible more deeply, let us understand the concept of this device.

When we felt hot, we made a device which when shaken would generate air. When our hands started hurting while moving it, we thought how to avoid this dilemma. Then I thought, why not get this work done by someone else, so this work was handed over to someone else. Then we learned that the other person also gets tired, so we made a device that rotates a device to blow air with the help of an animal. Then we thought about how to do this ourselves, then the concept of fuel was conceived, and a device running on fire was created. Then a machine running on petroleum fuel was made. And again the electrical device was manufactured. That is to say, we did not realize when the need to build a machine that ran on its own without human intervention turned into the need to build a machine that ran on its own without external energy. Today, thousands of appliances like car, train, aeroplane, electric fan, AC etc. are available to us, which run on their own. But even today we are searching for the same, self-running machine. The reason is that we have not yet accepted that, we have made this discovery long ago. But we have become extremely intelligent, and have considered the amazing discoveries we have made so far to be quite ordinary. Science comes and says that what is special about an aeroplane, everyone is travelling, and it runs on fuel, where does it run on its own? So we also replied that, yes it is true that it does not run on its own, it runs on fuel, and we again joined the race to find a machine that runs on its own. We have forgotten that, a few centuries ago, we have achieved what was impossible. But due to the natural tendency of man, we are not satisfied and we are still running for the same for which the race started. We are in a strange situation. And we also have to understand that we are going to know a lot of impossible things in the future. But whatever we know will be subject to the basic principles and laws of physics. Why do we want to break the laws of physics? Let us know.

Look, what is the basic instinct of human being, to know something different, something special, and to look different and unique from the society. He strives for this all the time. Since childhood he sees such dreams which are impossible, man is basically eager to find that which is impossible. Science has fulfilled this wish. He experiences great happiness after knowing the impossible. And whatever impossible is known by science, it becomes a rule, which is available to everyone. Therefore talking to him does not give any feeling of excitement. Therefore, he puts aside the wonderful and unique laws known by science and starts searching for something wonderful again. Whereas to achieve this wonderful thing, indomitable courage is required, because thinking beyond the rules can also cause huge harm to you. And you are not even liked in the world. Today people consider Galileo, Marconi Coffe and Thomas Alva Edison etc. as great scientists. But he has paid a heavy price for it. Man’s natural tendency is to be a seeker. Therefore, he wants to know the impossible, he wants to know that which is against the rules. But in the end he comes to know that it is just a new law of the universe. So impossible means that law of the universe, which is not known yet.

We’re here to share some different kinds of impossible ideas. Do you want to partner with me on this unique journey? Many seemingly impossible things can be said in this journey. Your courage is essential to listen to them. And let’s see if you don’t think I’m crazy? But we have to know that there is still a lot of madness left in this world, which is yet to be known. Today science is moving at a fast pace. So, apart from his path, is anything unique happening in this world? It is my aim to discover a wonderful and wonderful dimension, to unleash a special kind of power in all of you. So that together we can make this world more beautiful.
Thank you