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Good morning 🙏🏻

Actually, every person remains very busy in the hustle and bustle of life during his lifetime. It is not possible for him to come out of the clutches of the daily busyness of life and see what is happening around him. But still sometimes when we start peeping into the distant infinite sky, we become a little emotional and start wondering what is all this? A lot of questions start dancing in front of our eyes, we have answers to only a few of them, everything else remains buried and hidden in the mysterious layers of the universe. Science has revealed many mysteries of the universe by playing with these choreographies of questions. And it has proved the usefulness of human life through thousands of discoveries that have been miraculous for us. Science has worked on the ground in every sphere of life and has made life surprisingly simple, easy and safe. So have we now solved all the mysteries of the universe? Have we got all the answers? Is there nothing more left to know? The purpose of this page is to contemplate, what have we achieved by uncovering the layers of mysteries and what is still to be achieved? One has to contemplate what has happened if only a glimpse of the secrets have been unveiled, and yet again, what will it be like if the secrets of this infinite mysterious universe are revealed. Let it be known that even if the layers of this infinity have been opened infinitely, there will still be infinity left to know. Then we are just making a small effort, this is not a false declaration of knowing the universe completely. But to know and contemplate that, somewhere here, very close to us, are there layers of unique mysteries of the universe, ready to be revealed immediately? So let us start the process of knowing, understanding and meditating on these links of mysteries.

Thank you